Post-Winter Weather Checks for Your Farm

Post-Winter Weather Checks for Your Farm

Warmer spring weather is always a welcome sight, especially for your livestock! It also helps improve ground conditions, leaving things less hazardous around the farm.

But before you can get yourself ready for the sunshine, you need to survey the damage of winter. Cold, wet, and windy weather can all cause damage to your buildings, perimeters, and even the ground itself, making it essential to do some checks and carry out the necessary repairs.

Take a look at these post-winter weather checks for your farm and get ready for spring.

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Why You Need to Secure Your Children's Education

Why You Need to Secure Your Children's Education

It is a well-known fact that a good education is a key to success. However, many people are not able to afford a good education for their children. This leaves them at a disadvantage when it comes to competing in the job market.

It's important to start planning for your children's education as early as possible so that you can make the best decisions for their future. In this article, we're going to take a look at the value of investing in your children's education early on.

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How to Get Out of the City and Live Off-Grid

How to Get Out of the City and Live Off-Grid

While living in cities offers some environmental benefits, many of us would prefer to leave the congestion and noise behind and have a quieter life in the country, perhaps on our own smallholding or farm. Not only is it better for our own personal lifestyle, but it may also be better for the planet. The more self-sufficient you can be, the more you can protect mother Earth.

If you’re looking to move off-grid, you might have a long journey ahead of you. Getting out of the city can be expensive, but it’s not as costly as you might think. Better yet, if you can bring your job with you, you can make money wherever there’s an internet connection or local marketplace.

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The Pros And Cons of Vertical Farming

The Pros And Cons of Vertical Farming

As our population grows, we experience significant environmental consequences as we use an increasing amount of the planet’s resources. By 2050, the global population will have surpassed nine billion. Therefore, the world desperately needs to develop sustainable agricultural methods to feed the human population.

However, when experts looked for sustainable food alternatives, they found just a few efforts that could barely feed the growing populations of cities. The objective was to develop a sustainable system capable of providing food on a large scale. They came up with a solution in the form of vertical farming. You might ask: what is vertical farming?

Vertical farming is the method of cultivating plants vertically in layers. Plants can be lifted above the ground, allowing for more plants in the same area. This kind of gardening optimizes both space and production.

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4 Delicious, Plant-Based Breakfast Meals for the New Vegan

4 Delicious, Plant-Based Breakfast Meals for the New Vegan

Over the past 15 years, veganism has become a major part of several people's diets. In the United States alone, about 9.7 million vegans have decided to consume only plant-based meals. If you're new to veganism, you might feel limited when it comes to breakfast options, especially since eggs and other dairy products are the typical standard fare. The good news is that there are tons of naturally-vegan breakfast options out there for you! Or, you know, you can swap ingredients in other traditional meals with more organic ones. Here are a few dishes to try out.

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10 Ways to Save Water On Your Farm

10 Ways to Save Water On Your Farm

There are farmers out there who rely on groundwater reserves to ensure that they are able to get through a dry season. Knowing how you can save water will do your farm the world of good, and you can ensure that you get the very best for your money in the end. For example, you might choose to use the money you save on water to pay for solar installers and save money on your electricity, too. There are so many ways that you can save water in your farm and water savings will offer you a lot of built up reserves over time - and you might need it. Let’s take a look at how you can save water on your farm.

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Why It’s Important to Grow Your Own Food

Why It’s Important to Grow Your Own Food

You don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy fresh, flavorful, and nutritious food. Almost anyone can grow food in a container or on a small plot of land. You can have so much fun and flavor by substituting just one or two of your regular grocery store purchases with those that you've grown yourself. With that in mind, here are a few compelling reasons to start your own vegetable garden.

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What to Consider Before Getting Your First Horse

What to Consider Before Getting Your First Horse

Horses are such beautiful creatures, plus, they can really enhance the experience for any farm. If you’re wanting to enhance your equestrian farm management by getting yourself a horse, then you need to keep in mind that a horse is a lot of responsibility. They’re not just beautiful and intelligent creatures, but they also come with great responsibility as well.

Horses have been compared to cars time and time again. It’s understandable considering horses were once the mode of transportation. Just like a car, there needs to be a lot of research and consideration that goes into making the purchase. This still applies to horses as well. These are things that you need to consider before bringing home a horse.

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Equipment You May Require for Livestock Farming

Equipment You May Require for Livestock Farming

One of the oldest industries of the world is farming. Over time the techniques for farming have thoroughly improved to something completely different. Nowadays the world has shifted more towards the idea of livestock farming. Generally speaking, livestock normally includes animals like goats, cattle, chicken, sheep, and pigs and horses. Though, this kind of livestock is not limited to their domestic animals that benefit in terms of food or fertilizer production. Nowadays there are even bee farms where bees are farmed under constant surveillance for honey production.

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The Essentials Guide to Easily Improve Your Farmhouse

The Essentials Guide to Easily Improve Your Farmhouse

It's not always easy to know where to start when it comes to making your farmhouse look new again. It can be difficult if you've never renovated before or if you're just unsure of what you want for the space. The good news is that there are many small improvements that will make a big difference in the appearance and functionality of your home! This blog has compiled some of the most important steps to quickly improve your farmhouse.

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