Better Farm provides sanctuary to animals who have experienced neglect, abuse, or are in need of a forever home. These have included a fawn, chickens, horses, injured wild birds, ducks, dogs, a mouse, and others. Our mission is to hold all life in high regard no matter the form it takes; and to offer animals the love, nurturing, and comfort we all expect as a basic right. These animals have much to teach us; and in their healing, they help to heal us as well.

To sponsor one of our rescued animals, click here.

Currently living at Better Farm are:

Horses Olive and Coco


Olive is a 20-ish-year-old palomino Haflinger who loves trail rides, cookies, and being brushed. Olive was rescued several years ago from a backyard breeder with a foal by her side and heavy in foal. Her jaw was broken at some point, and her ears are crooked because when she was foaled she was pulled out by her ears, permanently damaging the cartilage. In spite of these things, she’s unbelievably sweet, resilient, and very healthy. Olive arrived at Better Farm yesterday from her most recent adopters, who want to be sure she gets all of the love, time and attention she needs.

Alpacas Finnegan, Augusta, Cleopatra, and Buffalo. Read their story here.


Pigs Winnifred (left), Matilda and Ramona

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Chickens Joni, Fotch, Clarese, Ghost Dog, and many others (read some of their stories here)