Visiting Writer-in-Residence Hosts Reading, Open Mic at Lyric this Sunday
/Visiting Writer-in-Residence Megan McShea.
Megan McShea, a writer visiting the North Country through the betterArts Residency Program, is hosting a poetry reading and open mic at the Lyric Coffee House & Bistro at 2 p.m. this Sunday, Oct. 18.
McShea is based out of Baltimore, MD. The writer has had five residencies at the Hambidge Center in Rabun Gap, GA, as well as various solo retreats. She has authored three chapbooks, two books, and been featured in more than a dozen anthologies.
For her two-week betterArts residency, McShea has stayed at Better Farm in Redwood while working on a series of prose poems she will share on Sunday, along with some work from her recent chapbook, How to Have a Day. Also reading will be Henderson-based R.M. O'Brien, an accomplished poet who recently studied Punjabi in India and has been translating ancient Sikh devotional poems. Following these readings, the event will turn into an open mic and any writers are welcome to share their work. Light refreshments will be provided.
The betterArts Residency Program offers artists of every discipline space and time to work on specific projects against the backdrop of Better Farm, a sustainability education center in Redwood.
The Lyric is located at 246 James St. in Clayton. Call (315) 686-4700 for more information.