DIY Rustic Kitchen Table Design
/Better Farm's new kitchen table makes dining a truly religious experience.
Almost six years after scoring a couple curved church pews off of Craigslist, Better Farm has a brandy-new, rustic kitchen table that follows the curves of the benches flanking it.
Barely a month after moving from my Brooklyn apartment to this little farmhouse that could, I found a listing on Craigslist for two oak church pews down in Calcium, N.Y. So off we went to scoop them up. Trouble was, these 12-foot-long beauties boasted serious curves. No rectangular table (or two) could meet these benches in the middle.
Years passed.
We've toyed for ages with the idea of making a custom table to match the beauty of these pews, but suffered from a failure to launch and a host of other ongoing projects that took precedence over this DIY idea. Then my buddy Doc came along and stopped all the lallygagging. He headed over to Redwood Lumber next door, selected some gorgeous Douglas Fir, and set about making a table fit for a queen.
The wood aged over at Doc's for several months, getting nice and dried out. Matt and I helped Doc put each individual board through his planer, then Doc created biscuits to put all the pieces together. Mollica took care of varnishing the massive table, then she and Doc carried it into the farmhouse in three pieces. There, Doc biscuited and bolted and glued the whole thing together. Check out the finished product: