Simple Marketing Strategies Adopted By Successful Farms
Adopting a successful marketing strategy for your farm will increase customers and grow revenue. It will further awareness of your brand and create new opportunities.
Marketing Plan
Every business should have a marketing plan. A good plan will outline your current position and create strategies and goals for progression. The first step is to complete an analysis where you are right now. This should include PESTLE and SWOT.
The next step is to work out where you want to be. Establish clear objectives for your business. Each should be specific and measurable. So, if you intend to increase visitors, state by how many, etc.
Once your objectives are established, you can work out the specific strategies and tactics for achieving them. One of the most important elements of the plan will be monitoring and measuring your success. This will provide you with invaluable information. It will help you work out where to allocate future marketing budgets.
Audience is an essential element of your marketing plan. Identify the different customer types associated with your business. Any activities should be tailored to them. Do your research and find out where to find them. For example, the main visitors to your farm shop may be women. Break this down into age, hobbies, purpose for buying, etc. Find ways of targeting them. Where else do they shop? Do they have social media accounts? If so, which do they favor? What magazines do they read?
Start with your current customer base and ask them to complete a short survey. This will provide you with invaluable information. Surveys can be completed for free using tools such as Provide an incentive, such as a prize drawer. This will encourage people to participate.
Look For Benefits
Any marketing activities should promote benefits. How will your products and services benefit customers? Why should they use your services rather than a competitor’s? What is your unique selling point? What features do you offer?
Start with what you have in place already and outline the features. Eco-friendly products and services are often valued by customers. As people become more aware of ecological issues, doing their bit is increasingly important. For farms, this is particularly pertinent. People like to know how their food is grown and produced.The methods used are also important. If you use green fuel and processes such as solar energy, highlight this to customers. If this is something you’re considering, sites like offer helpful solutions.
Think Outside The Box
Successful farms, like other businesses, are those that can adapt. They are aware of changes in the market and act accordingly. This involves finding new and innovative ways to increase profits. For example, making the most of land, creating new products, etc.
Marketing should never just be about finding new business. It should also be about retaining customers. That involves rewarding their loyalty and finding new ways to serve them. Your current customers should be at the forefront of your plans.
In summary, marketing should always start with a plan. Without a plan, you won’t know what you want to achieve. Tailor all activities carefully and monitor results. Use this data to inform future activities. Always highlight the benefits and above all, adapt and be innovative.