How to Eat More Vegetables
/Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
The majority of the nation doesn’t eat enough vegetables. Some might not have any at all in their daily diet. It’s so tempting to have a quick, unhealthy convenience meal or something from a fast-food restaurant when we’re busy or tired, but there are very few vegetables included in these meals – if any at all – and so this is not the best option at all. Here are some useful tips on how to get more vegetables into your diet so you can perform at your optimum.
Grow Your Own
Growing your own vegetables can be a fantastic way to make sure you eat more of them. You can use all kinds of different methods from planting them in your yard to vertical hydroponic farming to using small container if you don’t have a lot of space or need to grow them indoors. Pick the style and form of growing that suits you and your circumstances best, and then choose the vegetables you want to grow. It doesn’t matter if you produce lots of different types or you stick to just one or two; if you’re growing them yourself, you are much more likely to include them in your daily meals.
On top of that, you can be sure of where your vegetables are coming from. There isn’t any need to worry that they have been grown using chemicals or pesticides, or that the farming conditions are not ideal. You grew the vegetables from scratch, and now you can enjoy them.
Breakfast Time
If you’re finding it hard to incorporate the right amount of vegetables into your daily routine because you’re trying to eat them all at dinner, why not have some of your recommended daily intake at breakfast? This way, you start your day off healthily, and you don’t have to have quite so many vegetables in the evening when you might be rushed or tired.
Vegetables for breakfast might sound strange, but it’s an easy thing to do and quite delicious. You could have an omelette with mushrooms or peppers, for example. You could make a tasty smoothie that includes spinach, kale, or other green vegetables. You could even have tomatoes on toast or some different variation. There are many options open to you, and you’ll feel good once you start eating vegetables first thing.
Buy in Bulk and Freeze
Another reason for not having enough vegetables in your life is that you only have a chance to go to the store once a week, and by the time the end of the week has come, the vegetables you bought have started to rot. So you either have to buy less, or you have to eat it all quickly. Either way, it’s not ideal.
There is a solution. You can buy your vegetables in bulk (because they are not expensive) and then freeze what you don’t need. You’ll always have vegetables to use when you want them, even if you haven’t been to the store in days. You can also buy pre-frozen vegetables, and many of these are just as good as the fresh versions.